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Benefits & More
  • Rich In Dietary Fibre – Supports healthy digestion
  • Low Glycemic Index – Helps regulate blood sugar levels in the body
  • Rich Source of Magnesium – Beneficial for heart health
  • High Calcium Content – May support bone health
  • Gluten-Free – Safe for people who are gluten intolerant
Finger Millet Flour - Organic Gyaan
Ragi Atta - Finger Millet Flour - Organic Gyaan
Finger Millet Flour - Organic Gyaan
Ragi Flour - Finger Millet Flour - Organic Gyaan

Finger millet flour is a nutritious and versatile ingredient that is made from stone grinding the seeds of the finger millet plant. This flour has a light, nutty flavour and is naturally gluten-free, making it a great choice for people who are gluten intolerant.

Finger millet is a staple food in many parts of India and it has a high nutritional profile including calcium, iron, and magnesium. It also contains antioxidants, which can help protect your cells from damage and may reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases. Thus, Organic Gyaan offers you superior quality finger millet flour.

You can use our finger millet flour in a variety of recipes such as baked goods, porridge, sweet dishes, and rotis. It has a slightly coarser texture than wheat flour, which gives baked goods a unique texture and taste. Additionally, finger millet flour has a low glycemic index, which means that it releases glucose slowly into the bloodstream and can help regulate blood sugar levels.

Overall, finger millet flour is a delicious and nutritious alternative to traditional wheat flour and is a great way to add variety to your diet. Whether you’re looking to improve your overall health, manage your blood sugar levels, or simply enjoy new and delicious recipes, finger millet flour is a great option to consider.

Finger Millet Flour Health Benefits

  • Finger millet flour is high in fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals, including iron, calcium, and B vitamins which is very good for overall health.
  • The fiber in finger millet flour helps support digestive health and can promote regularity.
  • The high-fiber and slow-digesting carbohydrates in finger millet flour may help regulate blood sugar levels, making it a good option for people with diabetes.
  • The fiber, minerals, and antioxidants in finger millet flour may help reduce the risk of heart disease by improving cholesterol levels and reducing oxidative stress.

Finger Millet is also known by other names such as:

  • Finger Millet in Hindi is called Ragi/Nachani
  • Finger Millet in Gujarati is called Nagli
  • Finger Millet in Punjabi is called Mandhuka
  • Finger Millet in Tamil is called Kelvaragu
  • Finger Millet in Bengali is called Marwa
How we make Activated Flour 

Certainly, the process you're describing involves soaking the millets, sun-drying them, and then stone-grinding them to create activated flour. This method is commonly used in traditional food preparation and has its own set of benefits.

Here's a more detailed step-by-step guide based on the process you've mentioned:

Ingredients and Equipment:

  1. Millets (any variety you prefer)
  2.  Water for soaking
  3. Stone grinder or any suitable grinding equipment


1. Soaking:

  • Measure the desired amount of millets and rinse them thoroughly under running water.
  • Place the millets in a bowl and cover them with enough water. Allow them to soak for 6 to 8 hours. This soaking process helps soften the millets and makes them easier to grind.
2. Sun Drying:
  • After soaking, drain the water from the millet.
  • Spread the soaked millets evenly on a clean cloth or tray to allow them to sun-dry. Ensure they are exposed to sunlight for several hours until they are completely dried. The drying process may take a day or more, depending on the sunlight available.
3. Stone Grinding:

Once the millets are thoroughly dried, use a stone grinder or any suitable grinding equipment to grind them into flour. The stone grinding method is often preferred for its ability to retain the nutritional integrity of the grains.

4. Sieve if Necessary:

After grinding, you may choose to sieve the flour to achieve a finer texture, removing any larger particles.

Activated millet flour obtained through this process is likely to have a distinct flavor and nutritional profile due to the traditional methods used. It can be used in a variety of recipes, such as bread, pancakes, or other baked goods. Always follow food safety guidelines and use the activated millet flour as specified in your recipes.


      What is finger millet flour?
      Finger millet flour is a type of flour made from the grain of the finger millet plant, which is also known as ragi. It is a gluten-free flour that is commonly used in South Asian and African cuisines.

      Is finger millet flour healthy?
      Yes, finger millet flour is considered healthy flour. It is a good source of fiber, protein, and minerals like calcium, iron, and magnesium. It is also low in fat and has a low glycemic index, which means it can help regulate blood sugar levels.

      How can I use finger millet flour in my cooking?
      Finger millet flour can be used in a variety of ways in cooking. It can be used to make flatbreads like roti or chapati, as well as pancakes, porridges, and baked goods like bread and muffins. It can also be used as a thickener in soups and stews.

      Does finger millet flour have a strong taste?
      Finger millet flour has a slightly nutty flavor that is not overpowering. It has a mild taste that can easily be incorporated into a variety of dishes.

      Where can I buy finger millet flour?
      Finger millet flour can be found in many specialty grocery stores and health food stores. It can also be purchased online from various retailers.

      How to cook finger millet flour for babies?
      Finger millet flour is a nutritious and healthy food for babies. Here's how you can cook finger millet flour for your baby:


      • 1/4 cup finger millet flour
      • 1 cup water or milk
      • Pinch of salt (optional)
      • Sweetener (optional)


      1. In a saucepan, bring water or milk to a boil.
      2. In a separate bowl, mix the finger millet flour with a little bit of water or milk to form a smooth paste.
      3. Add the finger millet paste to the boiling water or milk, stirring constantly to prevent lumps from forming.
      4. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the mixture thickens and the finger millet flour is fully cooked.
      5. If desired, you can add a pinch of salt and sweetener to taste.
      6. Remove from heat and let it cool before serving your baby.

      You can also add pureed fruits or vegetables to the finger millet porridge to make it more nutritious and flavorful for your baby. Always make sure to check the temperature of the porridge before serving it to your baby to prevent burns.

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