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benefits of oregano

Oregano Health Benefits Uses, and Side Effects

“Oregano is the spice of the life!”- Henry Tillman.

I couldn’t agree more with this! Have you ever imagined how the pizza would have tasted if it is not topped with all-time favourite oregano and other toppings? It will be just baked bread plus veggies. Not so inviting, right? Oregano brings the desired aroma and freshness to the recipes like pizza and pasta. But, have you ever thought, about how these small dried leaves can do it? Find the answer to your question right here!

Oregano or also referred to as ‘mountain delight’ because of the Greek translation. It is a shrub from the mint family and is mostly found in Greek and Italian cuisines. The strong flavour adds a subtle sweetness along with a strong flavour. Going into the past reveals that Greeks were nuts for this aromatic herb and their madness increased such that they made Oregano laurels for brides and grooms.

What is Oregano?

Oregano herb is a shrub, that belongs to the mint family and is native to the Mediterranean region. Dried or fresh leaves of this plant are used for consumption. The plant grows 50 cm tall and its leaves are 2-3 centimetres long and purple in colour. Exceptional ingredients like thymol, pinene, limonene, carvacrol, and others are offering a fresh smell that enhances the recipes when leaves are added. Apart from the culinary uses, explore the nutritional facts of this herb so that you can make it a guilt-free add-on.

For 100 grams of Oregano herbs:

  • Folates- 59%

  • Pyridoxine- 80%

  • Iron- 460%

  • Manganese-203%

  • Vitamin-C- 4%

  • Vitamin-A-57%

  • Vitamin-K- 518%

Oregano can be consumed in various forms and the uses of oregano vary from culinary to medicinal purposes in all these three forms.

1. Oregano Fresh Leaves

Fresh oregano leaves have a strong flavour and mild metallic taste. These leaves exhibit excellent antibacterial properties. The phytonutrient content may help in fighting infections. Fresh oregano leaves are generally used in stocks or soups.

2. Oregano Dried Leaves

The most common form of consumption of oregano herbs is its dried form. Dried leaves enhance the core dish without empowering. Having a warm soup with dried oregano sprinkled over can be a good remedy for viral health issues.

3. Oregano Oil

Oregano oil is manufactured by extracting air-dried oregano leaves. This oil is rich in antioxidant and antimicrobial properties that can help in fighting various health issues. You can add a few drops of oregano oil to sauces or dips or it can also be applied on the skin.

Why Oregano is a useful Herb?

Apart from being a most-loved pizza and pasta topping, oregano herbs possess several medicinal properties that offer various health benefits. Let’s explore another side of this magic herb through oregano benefits:

1. Antibacterial Features

Herbal remedies are especially useful in bacterial infections and Oregano is a well-researched medicinal herb that cannot be an exception. Possessing good antibacterial properties, oregano can help us combat more than 23 different types of bacteria that could harm human health.

2. Boost Immunity with Antioxidant Properties

Rich in antioxidants, oregano may help us in fighting damage from harmful free radicals that may help in keeping a distance from several chronic diseases. Both leaves and oil forms are blessed with a high amount of antioxidants – carvacrol and thymol, which can deter further damage to cells. When combined with other veggies, and fruits, oregano can help a lot in improving overall health.

3. Improved Digestion

Improved digestion is one of the major oregano benefits one can have. Being a good source of fibre, oregano can improve your digestion process. Oregano adds bulk to the human stools and stimulates the peristaltic motion that moves the food through the digestion track and helps to excrete it. Even oregano oil may be useful in some trivial digestion health problems like bloating, abdominal cramps, and irritable bowel syndrome.

4. Can Help in Protecting from Viral Infection

Carvacrol and thymol compounds of oregano help in defusing the activity of viruses to a great extent. These contents possess antiviral properties that may help in fighting viruses causing diarrhoea, stomach pain, and nausea.

Are there any Side Effects of the Oregano Consumption?

Although the consumption of oregano is suitable for all, you must learn about oregano side effects to avoid further inconvenience.

  • One can have mild stomach issues when oregano is consumed in an amount greater than those found in food.

  • Oregano oil with a concentration greater than 1% may cause skin irritation.

  • People who are going to surgery should avoid oregano products for 2 weeks before as it may increase the risk of bleeding.

The millennial generation will immediately relate to this herb- oregano because it is one of the vital ingredients of their favourite fast foods - pizza and pasta. Original recipes get enhanced aroma and taste with this most loved smart herb. Order some organically grown oregano leaves to make a special tea for special someone or just sprinkle that magical herb on the cheesy pizza to start a funny race of finishing among your siblings or friends! Make your life complete just like oregano completes the tastiest pizza!


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