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benefits of foxtail millet

The Power of Foxtail Millet: Benefits, Nutrition, and Consumption Tips

After realizing and experiencing the hazardous effects of refined and defined tasty food, we have come back to our classic, natural, and local-grown food. In this wave, millets have made a rocking comeback with another round of applause. Along with widely consumed millet like sorghum and finger millet, foxtail millet is slowly also getting the fame it deserves.

Foxtail millet, known as Kangni, Kang, or Kakum in India. This millet has roots in India and Northern China dating back more than 8000 years and because of its resemblance to a tapered-tail-like panicle, it got the name foxtail millet. Don’t go over the size of the grain, foxtail millet benefits are bigger than the size! Explore the world of these granular grain that mimics yellow mustard seeds to understand what affirmative changes you can see once you start consuming them.

What is Foxtail Millet?

Foxtail millet is the third-largest millet that is produced and consumed across the world. It has the scientific name of Setaria italica. The enriched nutritious millet can easily substitute wheat and rice and has a plus point of easy digestion. Native to India and northeast China uses of foxtail millet have expanded worldwide now. They are climate-friendly crops and can prosper in adverse climatic conditions also. So, small farmers, they are profitable crops.

Foxtail Millet Nutritional Profile (per 100g)

Nutrient Amount per 100g
Carbohydrates 60.6g
Protein 12.3g
Fiber 8g
Calcium 0.03g
Phosphorous 0.29g
Magnesium 81mg
Energy 331 Kcal

What are the Major Health Benefits of Foxtail Millet?

Like other millets, foxtail millet is extremely nutritious. This millet is highly recommended for kids and people with anxious weak spots or suffering from high blood sugar levels. Explore the super six health benefits of foxtail millet consumption:

1. Effective for Diabetic People

People with high blood sugar levels cannot consume rice much due to its high carb content. Foxtail millet can be an ideal substitute for rice and keep you satiated for a longer time. Also, this healthy substitution can suppress your hunger pangs and rapid peaks in blood sugar levels. Foxtail millet has a low glycaemic index, and can thus make it the best choice for reducing blood sugar levels and Glycosylated haemoglobin.

2. Improved Bone Health

Foxtail millet nutrition profile includes a high amount of iron and calcium, which highly contribute to lifting bone health. Regular consumption of foxtail millet fulfils the daily requirement of phosphorous and calcium so that the body can fight against brittle bones, inflammation, spondylitis, arthritis, and other bone-related problems.

3. Enhanced Cardiovascular Health

Millets play a significant role in promoting cardiovascular health. Along with its gluten-free features, foxtail millet offers a full protein and low-carb nutrition profile which automatically backs up the creation of cholinergic neurons. These neurons send signals between muscular and nerve endings and shield the cardiovascular organ. Foxtail millet is also loaded with amino acids, to be named lecithin and methionine. These essentials reduce cholesterol by detaching excess fat in the liver. The foxtail millet benefits also cover the reduction of bad cholesterol from the liver with the threonine part of the foxtail millet nutrition. Regular consumption of the millet also keeps several infections at bay.

4. Improved Gut Health

Poor digestion may become the cause of several health issues like constipation, bloating, acidity, and others. The dietary fibre content of foxtail millet which is 6.7g may help us in preventing these issues and improving gut health. Millets are also the best alternatives for gluten-intolerant or celiac people. They can integrate foxtail millet into their daily diet, along with lots of vegetables, to regulate bowels and treat stomach problems properly.

5. Better Immunity

One can achieve good health by maintaining better immunity. Foxtail millet is a rich source of health vitals, like vitamins and minerals, that highly contribute to boosting immunity in the body. It also helps to increase endurance, retains you in a better situation, and prepares your body to fight against several viral diseases. Including foxtail millet in a daily diet can improve the body’s resilience.

6. Stronger Nervous System

Proteins play a significant role in the functioning smooth nervous system. Foxtail millet loaded with Vitamin B1 may help in fighting against neurological disorders. Also, the rich iron content may prevent or slow down the progression of mental health problems such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and provide more oxygenation to the brain. Foxtail millet is rich in protein and low in carbs which can help the development of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine that establishes a smooth connection between muscles and nerves.

How to Consume Foxtail Millet in Daily Life?

Foxtail millet is a versatile millet and can replace regular grains in the healthiest ways in breakfast, lunch and other supper meals. Uses of foxtail millet can be enhanced by integrating it into various recipes like paratha, khichdi, upma, and other delicious dishes. Here are some great ways to help you to integrate this magical millet into daily life:

1. Soaking Before Use

Soaking foxtail millet for at least 6 hours in the water in 3-4 amounts. Swish your finger through the bowl before straining the water. Repeat the procedure until the water runs clear. Soaking foxtail millet for 6-8 hours before use can help to break down the phytic acid and help in better digestion.

2. Prefer toast Over-Soaking

There are two groups of people, one prefers soaking and the other doesn’t. If you fall into the second one, then toasting can be a better option for you. Take a pan and toast the millet before cooking to bring out its nuttiness of it to the desired level. Mix liquid like milk or water after toasting to make porridge which is quite similar to couscous.

3. Cook in Mud utensils for Better Results

Foxtail millet khichdi is another option that gives you all-time comfort food and a nutritious choice. To prepare the khichdi, soak foxtail millet in the water and cook in a mud pot for authentic flavour. Use a 2:1 ratio of water to millet for a fluffy and grainy texture. If you want softer consistency, increase the ratio to 3:1. Also, boiled millet can be served with vegetable stir-fry or lentil soup.

4. Develop some Culinary Skills

Foxtail millet can be used to add a crunchy factor to bread, granola, or pastries. Even one can use it to plump up soups, and curries or even as a base for hot grain salad dressing. Indulge yourself with foxtail millet ladoos, or prepare some delicious recipes with foxtail millet flour.

Like other popular millets such as sorghum and ragi, foxtail millet is also becoming the word of mouth when millets are discussed or referred to. And not why, they are the world’s second most cultivated millet that uncovers several health advantages. Being a prime source of protein, dietary fibre, and essential minerals and vitamins, foxtail millet benefits offers complete health care with its dense nutrient profile. If you are following natural ways to attain good health, then believe only in organically-grown grains. Visit our website or stop into our stores to drop organic foxtail millet on your doorsteps!

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